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Our retreats

More than writing time

Lit Camp writing retreats are more than just time away to concentrate on your writing, they're also a way to concentrate on yourself.


Each retreat has been designed to nourish and inspire the whole writer, because you can't do your best work if you're feeling worn out or stressed. In addition to time to write, every retreat incorporates wellness practices such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness.


All of our retreat locations are chosen for their solitude and their natural beauty, from a silent monastery in Big Sur to a Zen Farm in Marin County. 


Take a look at our upcoming retreats, and join us!

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Lit Camp was founded in 2012 to help writers get their books into the world. Since that time, many of our Lit Campers have gotten book deals from major publishers and published their books. 

Lit Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are committed to never turning away any writer who is accepted into Lit Camp for financial reasons. Please consider donating to Lit Camp.

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