thank you
Lit Camp wouldn't exist without the hard work and support of the following people and institutions...

Our working board
From updating the website to publishing the newsletter, from fundraising to reading submissions, from picking up faculty at the airport to greeting campers onsite, the working board handles every task that makes Lit Camp run.
Working board members receive no salary, and are required to contribute $500/annually to remain on the board.
Working board members for Lit Camp 2022 are Emily Kathleen Cooke, Lee Danial Kravetz, and Janis Cooke Newman.
Our advisory board
Our Advisory Board is comprised of Lit Camp alumni and selected faculty members.
The Advisory Board meets in twice-yearly retreats to help plan the future of the conference and the organization. As former campers and faculty, their input is invaluable in determining Lit Camp's direction.
Advisory Board members contribute $1000/yearly to remain on the board.
Lit Camp Advisory Board members for 2020 are: Gail Ansel, Jane Ciabattari, Christi Clancy (not pictured), Grant Faulkner, Maureen Simons, Douglas Sovern, Carole Stivers, Wendy Voorsanger, and Maury Zeff.

our campers

Our campers are the heart and soul of Lit Camp. Not only do they come to the conference with an open and generous spirit, they support Lit Camp--both with their time and their money--throughout the year.
In addition, during each Lit Camp, our campers have consistently raise more than $2000 for Dave Eggers' ScholarMatch during our cocktail auction.
Lit Camp would not be what it is without the wonderful writers who attend the yearly conference, as well as those who come to our yearly retreat.
Our benefactors
In 2017, when the Tubbs fire destroyed Lit Camp's long-time home in the Napa Valley, Elaine Petrocelli of Book Passage Book Store & Cafe in Corte Madera offered to help us raise funds to rebuild our conference. In November of 2018, we held Lit Camp Rising at the Corte Madera Store and raised more than $2000.
Over the years, Elaine has championed the careers of numerous Bay Area writers. Lit Camp is enormously grateful to be the beneficiary of her generosity.
Our jurors

Every year, Lit Camp receives roughly 200 applications for our 40 spots. Reading those applications--with the care and attention they deserve--is a big task. Lit Camp judges (many of them Lit Camp alumni) volunteer for this job. (Though we do pay them in pizza & wine!)
We owe a big debt of gratitude to our our most recent jurors:
Juliette Kelly
Carole Stivers
Dawn Steffler
Laurie Doyle
Kirsten Menger Anderson
Wendy Voorsanger
Hamdy Elgammal