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Our writing

Lit Camp's writing retreats

We believe in the value of stepping outside of your life, and giving yourself the time and space to focus on your writing. 


Our writing retreats are designed to inspire and support writers. They are held in some of the most beautiful and secluded retreat centers in Northern California. 


Past retreats have taken place in a silent monastery in Big Sur, among the oaks in Mendocino County, and on a Zen farm at Muir Beach.


Watch this space for more information about our winter and spring 2023 retreats.

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Lit Camp was founded in 2012 to help writers get their books into the world. Since that time, many of our Lit Campers have gotten book deals from major publishers and published their books. 

Lit Camp is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We are committed to never turning away any writer who is accepted into Lit Camp for financial reasons. Please consider donating to Lit Camp.

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